Your Irish Destination for Office Products and Supplies


Credit Account Balance

You can pay your business credit account by BACS or cheque payment.

How do I make a payment to my business credit account?

Payment Reference: [::Account Number::]
Account Name: TOS (North East) Limited
Account: 67725026
Sort Code: 93-24-77 

By Cheque:
Payable to: TOS (North East) Limited

Send to:
TOS (North East) Limited
31-32 Market Street, Monaghan, Ireland

Once you’ve paid, please notify us of your remittance in the My Account section online.
Please remember to quote your account number as a reference to help process the payment swiftly.

For further information, please contact us online or call (047) 72680 , Monday to Friday, 9:00am – 5:00pm.
